Summer 2021 – Sicily

After a long a 9 month separation due to Covid, we were reunited with Chinook again in Marina di Ragusa. She was miffed about us abandoning her for such a long time but after a good washing of the deck, all was for given. She spent the winter in the water with a watchful eye from Sam. We began the neverending tasks of getting her ready to sail once again.

On July 1st we left the docks and started to sail the coast of Sicily. First stop, an anchorage at PortoPalo and then to Siracusa.

Enroute to Siracusa we stopped by the beaches at Pachino where the 48th Highlanders (Charlie’s old regiment) landed during the invasion of the Sicily during World War II.

The wind picked up in the afternoon and we roared into the Siracusa harbour at 9 kn with no relief from the winds. While sailing in that wind was exhilarating, it made it difficult getting the sails down and complicated the mooring at the marina (Yacht Club Lakkios).

Siracusa is a must see in Sicily – really enjoyed it. Very ancient city rivaling ancient Athens in its day with many layers of following civilizations. The narrow streets were charming and also provided some relief from the ever present sun. Cod da Saretta was a very small restaurant in the old city that served wonderfully fresh seafood: sea bass, swordfish (Charlie’s favourite), langostina, mussels (Kathie’s favourite) and of course, pasta which was great even in the marginal food places we hit on our trip. Euro 2020/2021 was on at this time and we caught the Belgium Italia game outdoors in Piazza Archimede. The Sicilian fans were infectious with their enthusiasm.