Fall 2020 – Sailing through the Fog of Covid

We left Calgary for Paris on August 24 armed with medical masks, hand sanitizers and Clorox wipes.  Covid cases were on the rise so we were uneasy about the flight to Paris, train to Marseille and taxi to Port Napoleon but all went well and we remained Covid free.  Entry into France from Canada did not require quarantine at that time.

Leaving Calgary

Our plan was to travel down the coast of France, Spain, Gibraltar and across to Morocco.  Morocco remained closed to travellers upon arrival so Plan B to Tunisia was put in place.  Once in the Balearic Islands we needed to decide on our route. Since Morocco was still closed, Plan B it was. 

We logged over 1500 nautical miles (approx 2770 km) in 10 weeks travelling through:

  • France (Aug 24 – Sept 9)
  • Spain Mainland (Sept 9 – 11)
  • Balearic Islands (Sept 12 – 22)
  • Sardegna (Sept 24 – Oct 1)
  • Tunisia (Oct 3 – 10)
  • Sicily (Oct 11 – 31)

Life in France and Spain, at least in the places we visited, was remarkably normal except with masks. No one was talking much about Covid. Easy to keep your distance. Not as many tourists in the towns or resorts which was fine for us but people were out and about strolling the towns at night. Restos were mostly busy.

Life changed once we left the Balearic Islands for Sardegna.  Covid restrictions, forms, tests, regulations and quarantine took over and complicated and restricted our travels and the things we wanted to experience. 

Check out the ‘Fall 2020’ blogs for details and pictures of our adventures.  Listeded in descending date order.

Fall 2020 – Lost Fender travels to Libya

We are now in day 12 of our 14 day quarantine at home in Calgary after our return from Europe. To help pass the time, we’ve been busy updating our Chinook website with our adventures.

We posted our Tunisia blog today where it mentions the heavy winds and waves on the second day and night of our passage and the difficulty we had avoiding the fishing pots around Cap Bon during the bad weather. We lost a fender (in its Chinook sock) off the stern during this rough weather however this was not mentioned in our blog.

We received an email tonight from someone in Libya who was navigating through facebook and found a post about a fender that belonged to a foreign boat which had washed up on the western shores of Libya. This person did some research on the internet and found our Tunisia blog and made the connection. Amazing! Not quite like finding a message in a bottle, but close.

Below is the facebook page with pictures. Our fender (still in it’s sock) is in great shape after its long trek and it looks like she has found a home. Ha! the fender even has 188 likes so far.